Monday, April 6, 2009

Paris Hilton could run the world....

People are morons.

Okay, not all people are idiots- but we're getting there. I;m watching the show The Doctors with Bruce and they are talking about teens and drug use. These teens are STUPID! They are not only doing "regular drugs" like pot, coke, E, etc, but also snorting Vodka and soaking tampons in vodka, then using them...HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN YOU BE?????

God, I mean I smoke pot...that's it. And I didn't even start that until I was in college! I like to sit at home everyonce in a while with my buds, smoke one and watch a movie...that's not killing anyone...but soaking tampons in vodka???? WTF???

I think as a society we have bred stupidity. We allow these children to get away with "teenage behavior" when really they are abusing prescription drugs, cold medicine, doing hard drugs, and snorting vodka! Parents need to take some effing control over their children!!! THe people on this show that I'm watching are all under 18...their parents are basically shrugging their shoulders at them...WTF???? Send them to fucking rehab and boot camp!

Then, to change tangents, they show commercials for lyposuction, breast augmentation, vericose vein removal, and laser hair treatments....great, I'm glad that the medical world has come this far- I'm glad they have all this remarkable technology but all we seem to be using it for is to make people pretty. Think about it, if you have enough money you can make yourself beutiful, no matter what. There are surgeries upon surgeries that are out there now to correct any small imperfectio we have.

Add these stupid drug obsessed children to our ability to "fix" anything with surgery and we will be left with a bunch of beutiful idiots running our you want Paris Hilton to run the world???? I think we may be heading that way.