Thursday, February 12, 2009

A self discovery

I realized today that I love doing the domestic little things. I never thought I would. I always thought that I would be very modern- very career oriented rather than family oriented.

When I was a kid I always wanted to be an actress. I adored the camera, in fact there are many, many home movies of me singing the jingles to t.v. commercials. Oddly enough I was also very shy. Hmm. Anywho, when I was in tenth grade I took a drama and speech class and that only strenghtened my desire to be an actor. Fter high school I came to EMU to get my degree in theatre. My plans after that have all been focused on moving out of Michigan, going to England, New York, and L.A. They never really had any focus on a family, children, etc.

But now, since Bruce and I have been together I guess my plans have shifted. It's not that I am giving up on being an actress or anything- no way! But when I think about the future now Bruce and the girls have a place in it. A family, focus turns more to them than to my career.

Today I went to the store, did dishes, made a homemade batch of brownies and whipped cream to make a parfait. Bought a birthday present, wrapped it, and now I'm off to go to the kids to take them to a birthday party over at Jon and Betty Jane's. It's funny how I really enjoyed all of it when I never saw that as something I could, not only be good at, butreally enjoy doing.


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