Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm meeting CARRIE FISHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You have no idea how ridiculously excited I am!!!!!! Carrie is coming to the motor city comic con- and i will be there (never been to one before- but I'll brave it for my love of Carrie Fisher.

I'm so geeked! Which is great cause I'm also sickie-poo, and being excited makes me feel better. So yay!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's official they need to create a new twelve step program for people like me- infomercialmaniacs.

I can see it now- "Hello, my name is Debbie and I have a problem...I buy shit off of tv that I have no use for."

Really though I do love my tv purchases that I've made so far...I only wish I wasn't tempted so often. I'm not sure what appeal these products have that the products that I pass in the store are lacking. Maybe it's the obnoxious announcers- like the shamwow guy (yikes!). Maybe it's the craptasmic plots- like the magic bullet commercial (which I adore). Hell, I own a magic bullet blender and I STILL watch the infomercial. Whatever it is- i love my tv products.

Like I said, they work great- hell the magic bullet is a really small, really versitle little blender/ food processer. But the things I wonder about are products like the miniature soddering tool...I want it sooooooooooo bad!!! But what the hell for?!?!?! I don't need to sodder anything! In fact I've never soddered anthing in my life. But i want it!

And the snuggie...just ask Bruce, I LOVE that thing! I haven't bought one yet, but that is all I talked about everytime the commercial came on. It just looks cozy!

Anywho, whatever the reason I love them, and even if they create my twelve step....i'd probably play hookie.

Don't drown in the coke!

Deep down in me i know that there is this skinny, beutiful, intelligent and witty woman waiting to shine from within me...unfortunately I've eaten so much lately that i can't even hear her anymore. She is drowning in a pool of coke and doritos.

I'm trying to throw her a lifesaver though and did ten crunches today, and I'm going to the gym hang in there skinny girl being swallowed by unhealthy eating habits- I'm coming!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I wish I may....

I wish that everything- just this once- could go the way it is in my head.

In my head everything is working out wonderfully...and in real life, It's not so bad. I have a job again, working for friends of mine as a personal assistant for their company and helping them out with picking up the kids from school, etc. It's nice because I can do work i'm good at (paperwork and kids) and meld it with things I enjoy (like spending time with the friends).

But in my head I have enough money to pay my car insurance, fix my tires and cracked rims so that I don't have to keep fillling my tires with air every 2 or 3 days, and I would have enough to pay off a few of these credit cards that rear their ugly heads every time I turn around. It takes time, but I'm hoping that everything will come together.

In my head I'm not depressed.....but I am depressed. I don't know why- I can't put my finger on it since there is no BIG thing that's bothering me. instead I guess it;s just a combination of a lot of smaller things. I'm stressed and worried about everything.

In my head Bruce and I are together forever, but my personal life has been a struggle lately. I love bruce more than ANYTHING but I wish he was a mind reader, and i'm sure I've put more stress on our relationship by expecting him to be. If I get upset about something he might realize it, but I am so used to shoving those feelings deep down so they don't resurface that I do it almost automatically. I am a pretender. I pretend things are ok, I pretend I'm not upset, I pretend that I'm happy. but i'm not.

I'm hopefull for spring. maybe the spring will be better, I can get outside more and be more active, and then I will feel better.

In other news the economy is still in the shitter- as if you didn't know- and that's a big bummer, especially around michigan. It seems like michigan is slowly dying...and that fuckin blows.

If you get a chance check out the song Shutting Detroit Down by John Rich. It perectly describes what's happening around here.